On February 9, encrypted email and services provider, Skiff, abruptly announced they were being acquired by Notion, who makes productivity tools.

That maybe would have been fine but as everyone soon realized, Skiff, with shocking insensitivity and narcissism, let it be known they would be shutting down all their services within 6 months!
But, after getting blasted by users, especially those of their encrypted email service, Skiff Mail, they backed off a tiny bit and have pinky-swore that they will, at least, forward mail from Skiff Mail addresses until February 9, 2025.

Wow. So generous.
Speaking as a friend, it's clear they're totally into their new relationship already so the healthy thing for you to do is move on...ASAP!
So, what happened?
Hard to say, really. We do know Skiff and Notion were both backed by Sequoia Capital. So, not to be conspiracy theorists, but it is a fact that venture capitalists can be rather fickle.
Therefore, one can assume that some guys in fleece vests and watches the diameter of salad plates, had a Zoom call, talked about things like "KPIs," and decided to shut down Skiff and double down on Notion.
Whatever happened to Skiff, it does highlight the danger of betting on startups that are so reliant upon venture capital. Things can change fast that leave users out in the cold.
Okay. What do I do now if I am a Skiff user?

You have to migrate all your services and fast. Frankly, taking into account the poor and completely tone deaf way they have handled this thus far, I wouldn't waste ANY time.
Officially, Skiff Mail, Pages, Calendar, and Drive, will cease to exist August 9, 2024.
Only automatic mail forwarding will continue to operate until February 9, 2025.
What we can help you with is the loss of Skiff Mail, Skiff's "encrypted" email service. They received a great deal of attention for Skiff Mail and its supposed encryption capabilities. Although, we're completely puzzled as to why.
Did Skiff even really offer end-to-end encrypted email?
No. Not really.
They offered encryption only if you were a Skiff Mail user and you emailed another Skiff Mail user. I mean....that's like not really anything at all.
Oh wait. They announced they added "support" for PGP in December 2023. :)
Again, that's not really anything. Are we being pranked?
In short, Skiff Mail didn't even have the ability to send an encrypted email to non-Skiff Mail users. Why they received any attention for their "encrypted" email service at all is bewildering.
But, we guess that's one of the benefits of venture capital. Exposure.
Until they shut down your company.
How can SecureMyEmail™ help me with Skiff Mail's collapse?
Well, first of all, we actually encrypt email. It's what we do.
Better, we can add encryption to ANY email address you have.
So, if you are/were a Skiff Mail user, you have the freedom to migrate to or use any email provider you want and not have to worry about encryption. We will take care of all that for you.
To be perfectly clear, SecureMyEmail does not offer email service itself, but we can provide encryption to ANY email provider you use. It only takes minutes to set up.
You can encrypt multiple email addresses from different providers and manage them all at once in the SecureMyEmail software. We have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, iPadOS, and Android.
Try it out hassle-free with our 30-Day Free Trial. No payment info or credit card is required up front. If it’s not a fit for you, the trial will just expire and no payment is ever due.
So, dump Skiff, choose your new email provider, or even stay with Google or Microsoft, and then try SecureMyEmail to add end-to-end encryption to keep your email private and secure!
- Encrypt your personal and business emails.
- All VPN Features, Protocols, and Stealth Modes.
- Unconditional 30-Day
Money-Back Guarantee.